Cancellation Policy
At Kamova, we understand that sometimes plans change. If you need to cancel an order, we’re here to help. Please review the details below to understand our cancellation process.
Order Cancellation Window
- How to Cancel: To request a cancellation, please contact us at with your order number and a cancellation request as soon as possible. We’ll confirm if your cancellation request was successful.
- Time Limit: Orders can be canceled within 120 minutes (2h) of placing the order. After this window, the order may already be in processing or shipping stages, and cancellation may no longer be possible.
Cancellations After Shipping
If your order has already been shipped, we are unable to cancel it. However, you may still be eligible for a return once you receive the item. For more details, please refer to our Refund & Return Policy
Refunds for Canceled Orders
If your cancellation request is approved:
- Processing Time: Please allow 10 days for the refund to appear on your account.
- Refund Method: Refunds will be processed back to your original payment method.
Non-Cancelable Items
Certain items may not be eligible for cancellation, including:
- Customized or Personalized Products: Once an order for a customized item is placed, it cannot be canceled.
- Final Sale or Limited-Time Items: These items are marked as non-cancelable at checkout.
Changes to Your Order
If you wish to make changes to your order (e.g., size, color), please contact us within the same cancellation window. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request, though changes may be limited depending on the status of your order.
Contact Us
For any questions or assistance with cancellations, please contact us using the provided information below:
Store name: Kamova
Legally operated by: TRAFOL LTD.
Company Number: 14325247
Address: 53 Cleveleys Road, London, E5 9JW, United Kingdom
Phone number +44 74274 58003
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday: 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM (GMT+1)
Please note that due to high demands, E-mail customer support might take up to 1 day for a respond.